Page 26 - MaSzeSz hírcsatorna 2021/3.
P. 26

sediment separator is dewatered by grit pressing.  In the field of storm-water management, one of
            Pre-mechanical cleaning is essentially based  the most important challenges in the domestic
            on two pieces of mechanical equipment, the  context is the treatment of storm-water from
            fine drum filter (slate funnel 1-2mm) and the  separating and combined sewer-system. The
            sludge- and sediment separator hydrocyclone.  amount of storm-water runoff from green ve-
            The sedimentation hydrocyclone separates the  getated areas is only a fraction of the amount of
            greasy sludge and sand.                          runoff from paved surfaces. On average, around
                                                             5-10% of the rainwater run-off from green areas
            The advantages of the pre-mechanical cleaning  reaches the surface each year. The use of green
            system described above are:                      infrastructure removes a proportion of rainwater
                •  the system is easy to automate,           from the urban storm-water system and reduces
                •  the investment cost of the equipment is 25  the amount of storm-water runoff from urban
                   to 30% lower than for conventional built-in  surfaces that enters the sewer system without
                   equipment,                                treatment. Obviously, the use of green surfaces
                •  no need to build separate concrete struc- in the combined sewer system will not solve the
                   tures,                                    issue of drainage and treatment of storm-water
                •  the separation efficiency of the fine filters  runoff from large concrete surfaces, but it can
                   (for suspended solids) is 20-25%,         greatly help.
                •  low space requirements compared to
                   conventional concrete structures (space  The most important basic unit of the storm-wa-
                   requirements are 50% less),               ter treatment system in the combined sewer
                •  operating costs about 25% lower than con- system is the low lift, high filter capacity, extend-
                   ventional pre-cleaning technology,        ed casing conventional drum filter (Ø 3,0mm
                •  significantly reduces the amount of diffi- casing hole), which can be installed alongside
                   cult-to-biodegrade precipitates and fo- the existing end-drain. The system has the ad-
                   am-forming materials,                     vantage of low investment cost, 90% separation
                •  the high degree of prefabrication reduces  of shaped-matter (grit, sewage sludge) waste
                   the time required for on-site installation.  and rapid installation.


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