Page 25 - MaSzeSz hírcsatorna 2021/3.
P. 25
a csatorna-rendszerbe befolyó csapadékvíz grease-oil traps is now required for both small
mennyiségét. Nyílvánvaló, hogy az egyesített and large wastewater treatment plants. The
csatorna-rendszernél a zöld-felületek alkalma- need for a stone trap is not yet generally ac-
zása nem oldja meg a nagy betonfelületekről cepted, although it is of great importance for
lezúduló csapadék elvezetési és tisztítási kérdé- the protection of the screening and sand trap.
sét, de azt nagymértékben segítheti.
In the treatment of municipal wastewater, primary
Az egyesített csatorna-rendszernél a csapadék- pre-treatment processes remove about 25 to
víz-kezelő berendezés legfontosabb alapegysé- 30 percent of the organic load and virtually all
ge a kis vízemelésű, nagy szűrőkapacitású, hosz- inorganic solids. Of the total suspended solids,
szabbított palástú hagyományos dobszűrő (Ø the screening removes 2 to 5%, the grit trap 10
3,0mm palástfuratú), amely a meglévő vég-át- to 20% and the pre-sedimentation 40 to 50%.
emelő, mellé telepíthető. A rendszer előnye Pre-settling can achieve 33-35% COD and BOI
a kis beruházási költség, és az alakos-anyag removal. The majority of pollutants in municipal
(rács-szemét, csatorna-üledék) hulladék 90%-os wastewater are present in dissolved, suspend-
leválasztása, és a gyors telepíthetőség. ed and colloidal form. A significant amount of
suspended and colloidal matter can be removed
SUMMARY by chemical flocculation and sedimentation or
flotation. In addition to chemical dosing, flotation
The purpose of mechanical cleaning: removes suspended solids with an efficiency
• to remove coarse contaminants of larger of 70-90%, COD 20-90% and BOI 20-80%. If
size (stone fragments, rag and thread-like a significant proportion of the suspended solids
materials, plastic waste, etc.). Most of these and colloids are removed during pre-treatment,
materials do not require biodegradation, but no or minimal energy is required to oxidize them
they have in common that without removal in the bio-oxidation process.
they would disrupt the operation of the
treatment plant and cause serious opera- In order to improve the pre-treatment technology
tional, maintenance and other problems. for small and medium wastewater treatment
• the additional cleaning technology (sand plants, JURA-Engineering proposes the following
traps, grease and oil traps, pre-settling tanks) plant and wastewater engineering equipment in
is designed to protect the mechanical technological order: pump-station, water distri-
equipment (pumps), bution, fine drum filter, float- and sediment sepa-
• the preparation of waste water for biological rator hydrocyclone, and final water distribution.
treatment (flocking, sedimentation, grease
and oil separation) following pre-mechanical Downstream of the final effluent distributor,
treatment. the effluent is discharged directly (without
pre-sedimentation) to the sludge biology. The
Due to new treatment requirements and ope- 'finer' textured grit (>2-4cm) that is removed
rational safety, the construction of stone traps, from the drum screen and the fatty sludge
coarse and/or fine screening, sand traps and collected in the hydrocyclone dome of the