Page 52 - MaSzeSz hírcsatorna 2022/5.
P. 52

(caffeine, sulfamethoxazole, benzotriazole,  Among the processes developed for the re-
                roxithromycin and erythromycin). In contrast,  moval of micropollutants, we can now find
                a further increase to 8 gTSS-L  resulted in only  several under full-scele evidences. According
                a slight improvement in removal, indicating  to our knowledge so far, the treatment of bio-
                that the rate was not proportional to the  logically treated wastewater with ozonation and
                biomass concentration. The flake size varies  subsequent filtration (in a sand filter, possibly
                between 10 and 100 µm in the membrane  using a membrane) can be considered effective.
                bioreactor system (MBR) and between 100  Ozonation has been used in drinking water
                and 500 µm in the classical activated sludge  purification for a long time in water technology,
                system. Substrate delivery to the bacteria  due to which sufficient amount of experien-
                is by diffusion due to the small size of the  ce has been accumulated in the operation of
                microorganisms and the large surface area  ozone treatment, which can be classified as
                of the flake, which provides a short distance  one of the advantages of this oxidation process.
                for nutrient penetration, so the advantage of  Ozonation, which provides high-efficiency
                the MBR system is clear.                     oxidation, can be supplemented with the use
            •  By evaluating the effect of pH, it can be  of UV or H O , which undoubtedly increases
                                                                         2  2
                concluded that drugs exist in different proton  the investment and operating costs of a more
                uptake states in the aquatic environment  complex treatment system.
                depending on the pH. The pH affects the
                removal of micropollutants. Nitrification  Activated carbon adsorption - similarly to drin-
                shifts the pH significantly in the acidic di- king water purification systems - can also be
                rection, so that for ibuprofen, for example,  a suitable method for removing micropollutants
                removal can be as high as 90% at pH less  from wastewater. Activated carbon in pow-
                than 6. In sludge treatment, the pH can rise  der or granulated form is capable of removing
                above 9, in which case desorption of mic- pollutants through surface binding. Powdered
                ropollutants takes place. The compounds  activated carbon into the activated sludge basin
                are removed from the solid phase into the  or, after that, into a separate contact reactor
                aqueous phase.                               (dosed together with a coagulant, and remo-
                                                             ving the solid state materials by sedimentation
            Generally, the organic micropollutants are  or filtration) is a proven effective process. Of
            only removed with a low efficiency with the  course, the activated carbon process can also
            help of conventional biological wastewater  be combined with ozonation. After ozonation,
            treatment systems. The sludge age, the sludge  instead of sand filtration, it can even be used as
            concentration, the hydraulic residence time of  an activated carbon GAC adsorbent to increase
            the wastewater, or the pH and temperature of  the pollutant removal efficiency, which, howe-
            the wastewater all affect the removal efficiency.  ver, already results in a substantial increase in
            By controlling pH, MLSS, SRT or HRT, we can  operating costs. The disadvantages of activated
            achieve a small increase in the efficiency of  carbon include its high cost, the necessary
            a working plant, but the possibility of modifíing  regeneration, and the difficulties associated
            these parameters is limited.                     with the disposal of the sludge.

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