Page 51 - MaSzeSz hírcsatorna 2022/5.
P. 51


            •  Another important removal mechanism for           addition to cometabolism, bacterial plas-
                micropollutants is adsorption. Approximately     mid uptake and the adaptive process of the
                33 % of micropollutants can be removed by        degradation population also play a major
                adsorption. Organic micropollutants have         role in the biodegradation of drugs.
                a high sorption tendency to raw sludge. Due  •  Sufficiently high sludge residence time (SRT)
                to their hydrophobic nature, micropollutants     is essential (10-15 days) for the degradation
                are bound from the aqueous phase to the lipid    of micropollutants, and high SRT allows the
                fraction forming the lipophilic cell membrane    proliferation of slow-growing bacteria (with
                of the biomass. The other process is adsorp-     long generation times) and the development
                tion, where the micropollutants adsorb on the    of a more diverse biocoenosis capable of
                surface of solids (sludge). Adsorption involves   degrading micropollutants. The biocoenosis
                electrostatic interactions between positively    in a nitrifying system can be expected to
                charged groups (e.g. amino groups) and the       have a SRT longer than 10 days, which is
                negatively charged cell membrane surface.        beneficial for degradation.
            •  Post-treatment UV oxidation (22 % remo- •  The hydraulic residence time (HRT) deter-
                val) and other oxidation processes (ozone        mines the average residence time of soluble
                post-oxidation) lead to chemical transfor-       substances in the system. For example, the
                mation. Ozone oxidation can remove 70-           anaerobic degradation of the plasticizer
                90 % of the micro-pollutant content of the       di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) increa-
                treated effluent after biological treatment.     sed from 14% to 23% when the HRT was
            •  Conventional anaerobic sludge treatment           increased from 5 to 14 hours in the reac-
                is an option for the removal of adsorptively     tor. In addition, it was observed that during
                bound micropollutants in sewage sludge           the rainy season, when the dilution of the
                (raw and excess sludge). This treatment          effluent causes HRT to decrease and the
                method is not considered effective. The          removal efficiency of micropollutants to
                removal efficiency is highly variable, varying   decrease significantly.
                between 50 and 80 %.                         •  Temperature plays an important role in
                                                                 biodegradation: in countries where the avera-
            Summary of factors affecting the biological          ge temperature is 15-20 ºC, the degradation
            removal of micropollutants:                          of micropollutants is more efficient than
                                                                 in cold countries where temperatures are
            •  In principle, biodegradation of pollutants        mostly below 10 ºC. Operational experience
                is achieved by metabolism, where the pol-        has shown that the removal of pharmaceuti-
                lutant is used by bacteria as a primary source   cals such as ibuprofen, benzafibrate, diclofe-
                of carbon or nutrients and/or energy. The        nac, naproxen and ketoprofen is increased in
                other pathway is cometabolism, where the         the summer compared to the winter period
                micropollutant is transformed by the orga-       (7 ºC) when temperatures reach 17 ºC.
                nisms (bacteria) that perform the biological  •  An increase in biomass concentration from
                metabolism, through the action of extracel-      3 gTSS-L  to 5 gTSS-L  significantly increased
                lular enzymes they produce, but the cells        the removal of colloidal suspended solids
                do not use the transformed products. In          and moderately degradable compounds

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