Page 52 - MaSzeSz hírcsatorna 2024/1.
P. 52
Az állattartótelepeken képződött trágya ke- are progressing only slowly, and interest
zelésére alapvetően két módszer jöhet szóba in their development seems to be limited.
egyik az anaerobrothasztás, másik komposz- While the National Energy Strategy focuses
tálás. Rothasztásnál a híg és iszapfázis együtt on this type of bioenergy use and emp-
kezelhető. a komposztálásnál egy előzetes fá- hasises the need to step up the establish-
zis szétválasztás szükséges, hogy a híg fázistól ment of decentralised energy production
megszabaduljunk, mely a technológiát zavarja. units (e.g. biogas plants) using agricultural
A komposztálásnál csak az iszap-fázis (trágya) by-products, tangible results are still lacking.
kezelése jöhet szóba. Tehát szükséges egy fá- Energy recovery from manure undoubtedly
zis-szétválasztás ahol híg (vizes) fázist és szi- requires the establishment of complex ma-
lárd trágyát gravitációs sűrítéssel szétválasztják. nagement systems and the related technical
A híg fázisnál szennyvíztisztítási módszereket and logistical tasks in an environmentally
alkalmazhatunk, de ennél sokkal egyszerűbb sound manner, as well as the creation of legal
a betárolás és öntözéssel történő hasznosítás. regulations and incentives (subsidy schemes).
However, the examples presented in the li-
A review of the literature on the energy reco- terature clearly show that technologies and
very of manure from livestock farms and the technical solutions exist and are available
presentation of good practices has shown which could be used in Hungary to exploit
that there is a great potential for harnessing renewable energy sources more efficiently
the energy of organic matter. Analyses on the than is currently the case. There are two main
subject in Hungary suggest that catching up methods for treating manure from livestock
with Western and even Central European farms: anaerobic digestion and compost-
levels would be a major challenge. A swit- ing. In the case of digestion, the sludge and
ch to renewable energy sources could be sludge phases can be treated together. In the
helped by the conversion of material from case of composting, a preliminary phase se-
livestock farms with a significant number of paration is necessary to get rid of the sludge
animals into biogas and its use as energy. phase, which interferes with the technology.
In addition to energy recovery and redu- In composting, only the sludge phase (ma-
cing dependence on imported energy, gre- nure) can be treated. A phase separation is
enhouse gas emissions could be reduced. therefore required where the dilute (aqueous)
As shown by domestic analyses, there are phase and solid manure are separated by gra-
still no really accurate databases on biogas vity compaction. For the dilute phase, was-
extraction from livestock farms, e.g. data on tewater treatment methods can be used, but
the number of biogas plants are inconsis- it is much simpler to store and recycle by
tent. Previously developed sectoral targets irrigation.