Page 28 - MaSzeSz hírcsatorna 2021/1.
P. 28
kapcsolható az AS rendszerhez. Az MBBR • If only COD / BOD removal is a target then
rendszer az eleveniszapos rendszert haté- a coagulation step is followed by high load
konyságban, gazdaságosságban messze moving bed reactors. A cationic polymer
felülmúlja. is used as the chemical and the separation
of the suspended solids is very efficient. If
phosphate removal is to be performed at the
Abstract: same time as COD / BOD removal, a metal
coagulator should be used before post-se-
The study describes the moving bed biofilm dimentation.
reactor (MBBR) and presents applications of the • If nitrification is the goal, pre-coagulation is
wastewater treatment processes for which this followed by an MBBR biofilm reactor. Effici-
reactor type can be used. The MBBR reactors ent nitrification can also be achieved by using
are widely used for the removal of dissolved a built-in MBBR reactor after the activated
contaminants (BOD / COD) from municipal sludge system.
and industrial effluents, as well as for nitrifica- • If the purpose of nitrogen removal (denitrifi-
tion and denitrification. The technology using cation) is preceded by proper connection of
MBBR reactors for secondary treatment has MBBR reactors, post- and combined denitrifi-
been shown to be an extremely compact cation technology can be easily developed.
high-speed process (1 hour HRT). P-removal is A combination of activated sludge system
a requirement for most European wastewater (AS) and MBBR reactors can also be used to
treatment plants, and this is well met by the create a pre- and post-denitrification system.
combined technology of MBBR and chemical The system is compact and easy to control.
phosphorus precipitation. Under cold climatic • The aeration basin of activated aerated
conditions (Norway) at a temperature of 11 ° sludge system (AS) can be easily converted to
C the nitrification rate reaches 1.2 gNH4-N / an MBBR reactor and the MBBR reactor can
m2d. At this rate, complete nitrification can be also be easily connected to the AS system.
expected and the denitrification rate reaches The MBBR system far surpasses the activated
3.5 g NO3-N / m2d. Nitrogen removal residen- sludge system in efficiency and economy.
ce time (HRT) in MBBR reactors is between
3 and 5 hours. Keywords: MBBR system structure; COD /
BOD removal; nitrification; denitrification; load
Technologies based on a combination of mo- values for MBBR and activated sludge systems;
ving bed biofilm reactors and coagulation operational experience;
result in very compact cleaning equipment.
The technological solutions according to the
purpose are the following: IRODALOMJEGYZÉK