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            1.  Metcalf & Eddy / Aecom (2014): Wastewa-          Control, Training Manual for Wastewater
                ter Engineering Treatment and Recources          Treatment Plant Operators, Michigan USA
                Recovery Fifth edition, McGraw –Hill Inter- 8.  Kárpáti, Á. (1995): Szakaszos betáplálású
                national Edition, New York                       eleveniszapos szennyvíztisztítás. Magyar
            2.  Stock, S., Szécsényi-Nagy Z., Ambrózy P.         Hidrológiai Társaság XIII Országos Vándor-
                (2013): C-Tech technológia üzemeltetési          gyűlése, 1995. július 4-6, Baja, Kiadvány-
                kézikönyv, Inwatech Kft, Budapest                kötet V. 2. 882-895.
            3.  Alvin C. Firmin: Comparison of SBR and  9.  Richard M., Ph.D: Practical Control Met-
                Continuous Flow Activated Sludge For             hods for Activated Sludge Bulking and Fo-
                Nutrient Removal, CDM Jefferson Mill,            aming Part 1., The Sear-Brown Group, Fort
                670 North Commercial Street Suite 201,           Collins, CO Corporate Office, Rochester,
                Manchester, New Hampshire 03101, USA             NY, USA
            4.  Janczukowicz W., Szewczyk M., Krzemie-
                niewski M., Pesta J. (2000): Settling Proper-
                ties of Activated Sludge from a Sequenc-
                ing Batch Reactor (SBR), Department of
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                mia and Mazury University, Prawochenski-
                ego 1, 10-957 Olsztyn, Poland.
            5.  EPA United States Environmental Protec-
                tion Agency (1999): Wastewater Techno-
                logy Fact Sheet Sequencing Batch Reac-
                tors, Office of Water, Washington D.C.,
            6.  Slater A. et al., (2005): Sequencing Batch
                Reactor Design and Operational Consi-
                derations, New England Interstate Water
                Pollution Control Commission 116 John
                Street Lowell, MA 01852-1124, USA
            7.  State of Michigan, Department of En-
                vironmental Quality, Operator Training
                and Certification Unit, Resource Manage-
                ment Division: Activated Sludge Process

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